Apr 12, 2011


Somewhere between white, yellow and pink the street lights glow and reach out in nearly touching circles 
Few sounds rise from the ink, a ways off a light muffled gong notes the early hour while wet powerlines sing
Some kites or swallows or other dark bird chirps and swoops just overhead, just outside the visible space
A brake light glows at the extreme corner of view then pales then fades completely, consumed in dark peace

Apr 6, 2011

Quiet Place

The room is dark, sound not penetrating through the molasses
A small flick of a switch and the walls explode with texture and form
Yet silence still hangs in the air, just below the reach of the fluorescent tubes
Pages of an ancient book turn slowly, bringing a grand symphony to the inner ear

Apr 3, 2011

A Small Stone

A  round stone sits still on the waters edge
Unmoving it changes with the falling sun
Shiny gray as the rain drops coat its surface
Fire bright orange as Helios flames on the horizon
Turning dark as peepers sing to the rising stars